Healing Words for the Body Mind and Spiritby Caren Goldman
Those words from Deuteronomy invaded the thoughts of Caren Goldman on a fall day in 1999 after a half-year of health crises that plagued her and her family. Her mother's hip, her father in law's heart, her daughter's central nervous system, and her own breast all succumbed to disease that fall, and with their deterioration came a simultaneous attack on her spirit. What was she to do faced with one health crisis after another? Choose life. Caren is an author. She has spent more than 25 years writing about spirituality, health and psychology. So, naturally, choosing to move toward life, wholeness and healing would be a journey of words. From that choice came Healing Words for the Body, Mind and Spirit&—a collection of 101 words that point us toward wholeness and life. These are wise words from all traditions that illuminate a way toward healing even when our lives seem to hold only darkness. Below we present four of those entries from Healing Words, one offered each week during the month of October, when we are all asked to become more aware of breast cancer, the disease Caren herself faced back in 1999. From her reflections and the associated quotes and affirmations in these pages, we hope that the power of these words will help mend your shattered places by offering new ways to consider and embrace healing, well-being and peace.
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