and Mysticism:
can I learn from mystic poets?
Eastern spiritual practices have a place in the lives of Christians?
Sufi wisdom tells us that lying deep
inside our hearts, completely outside the bounds of time, days
are waiting to be lived. We sense
that these days hold promise that cannot be experienced in normal
24-hour periods. Ask yourself, “What is the day inside me
waiting to be lived, and how will my soul be nourished by it?”
When the Day came—
The Day I had lived and died for—
The Day that is not in any calendar—
Clouds heavy with love
Showered me with wild abundance.
Inside me, my soul was drenched.
Around me, even the desert grew green.
Perfume of the Desert: Inspirations from Sufi
Wisdom, p. 155
Andrew Harvey and Eryk Hanut
© 1999 Quest Books p. 155
Some periods and events in life come and go with time, while
others are far beyond the scope of time’s power. Think
about the different pieces that make up your life and ask, “When
do I appreciate the stability of things moving in and out of
time, and when do I appreciate the freshness of flow and continuity?”
They asked a philosopher, “What secret is there in this,
that while God Most High has created so many famous trees, and
made them fruitful, people do not term any one of them ‘free’ except
the cypress?”
He replied, “Every other tree has fruit at an appointed
time: at one time, during the right season, it is fresh and green,
at another, it is withered; but the
cypress is always blooming and fresh, and such is the
state of the free.”
of the Desert: Inspirations from Sufi Wisdom, p. 155
Andrew Harvey and Eryk Hanut
© 1999 Quest Books p. 155

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