from Thich Nhat Hanh
by Mark Muesse
How to Lead a Spiritual Life: A Buddhist Perspective
Eastern spiritual practices have a place in the lives of Christians?
we compartmentalize our time, we often find that we feel cheated.
It may seem like we are spending all our time on others and have
none left
for ourselves. If I thought of my time as every single moment,
how might
my understanding of time be altered?
Allen said, “I have discovered a way to have a lot more
time. In the past, I used to look at my time as if it were divided
into several parts. One part I reserved for Joey, another part
was for Sue, another part to help with Ana, another part for
household work. The time left over I considered my own. I could
read, write, do research, go
for walks.
now I try not to divide time into parts anymore. I
consider my time with Joy and Sue as
my own time. When
I help Joey with his homework, I try to find ways of seeing
his time as my own time. I go through
his lesson with him, sharing his presence and finding ways to
be interested in what we do during that time. The time for him
becomes my own time. The same with Sue. The remarkable thing
is that now I have unlimited time for myself!”
—from The
Miracle of Mindfulness
by Thich Nhat Hanh
Beacon Press, © 1975
pp. 3-4

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