On Running
We are a people hungry for tenderness. Especially in these days of global
fear, meanness on the streets, false victories, and unaffordable health
care, we long for blessed kindness. We yearn for a little compassion
towards those who are wounded, a little respect for those tossed on life's
scrapheaps. As Leonato says in Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing," "There
are no faces truer than those that are so washed [with kindness]. How
much better is it to weep at joy than to joy at weeping!" We want
to run races worth winning, not for the payout but for the sheer joy
of getting there together. What better place to find God than as somehow
wrapped up in these human longings shared by so many, and practiced more
often than recognized. ...
--from "Focus
on Film:'Seabiscuit'"
by Dr. Lee Ramsey
the text in its entirety.