A Prayer for Making Decisions - explorefaith


Gracious God, it seems that life is always requiring decisions. Sometimes everything in my life is stable and settled, and then a new opportunity presents itself, and I feel unsteady and unsure of which way to go. At other times I become weary with stability and decide I want a change in my life. That’s when I look for other possibilities that may allow me to move in a different direction. In either case, I can feel unsettled about making a decision, especially when there is still some haziness in my heart about the course I should take. I do not, after all, want to make the wrong decision. I pray that you will guide my thoughts when I am searching through options for my future. Help me be patient when the process is unfolding more slowly than I would want. Help me trust the spirit of intuition that you have given me as an aid for interpreting the signs that help me move forward. Give me a spirit of risk and the faith to trust, so that I will try something new, speak something new. Remind me that even if I make a faulty decision, your boundless grace will bring goodness to the decision I make. I ask this for the sake of Your love. Amen.

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