Potter and the Deathly Hallows
J.K. Rowling
© 2007 Arthur A. Levine Books
by The Rev. Torey Lightcap
It’s fitting that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is
the finest entry in this incredibly popular series —a compelling,
articulate, tough, and deserving read from an author who both manages
the details and remembers her larger purpose. J.K. Rowling has
conceived and constructed a universe of words worthy of our attention.
The primary object of her achievement, a plucky boy-man of seventeen
named Harry, will rightly be read about and remembered on par with
the likes of Aslan and Frodo for many, many years to come.
One of the worthy elements distinguishing Rowling
from her contemporaries (detractors and imitators alike) is the
simple fact that she has
grown three fully-fleshed persons into adulthood, earning every
plot moment the hard way. She has given them such free will that
they could not help but flower, by her pen, into what they needed
to be, even if whatever that ended up being had a certain ring
of inevitability to it. As the beating heart of Rowling’s
story, Harry is one of the most realized fictional characters for
whom I have ever cared to develop deep feeling. (John Kennedy Toole’s
Ignatius J. Reilly and Dickens’s Pip spring to mind as rounding
out the top three.)
to any robust religious sense she might dare to disclose for
her millions of readers, Rowling is, quite simply,
a person of
a deeply realized, hardscrabble faith and intellection, the pronouncements
of others such as Dr. Dobson notwithstanding. That her faith is
expressed in generically accessible (rather than grossly overt)
forms is of little concern, at least to this reviewer. That her
belief in the basic precepts of love, relationship, and charity
occurs within a framework of wizardry fails to register as having
any ultimately meaningful complaint. That her faith, as Merton
says of faith, “is a principle of questioning and struggle
before it becomes a principle of certitude and peace,” should
embolden us to journey with her all the more.
That she recapitulates afresh the terms of self-sacrifice and the
final defeat of evil remains foremost.
There are two ways to go about looking for the
expression of this theology in Deathly Hallows, and one of them
is far less rewarding
than the other. The first, more superficial (and yet wildly popular)
way is to skim the surface for signs and wonders, some footprint
traces or leavings of Rowling’s belief in the message of
Jesus Christ. For those so trained, these can be found, be they
unintentional or otherwise, as we poke around: a grave marked with
a cross; the name of God invoked; hymn-singing at Christmas; the
reappearance of a certain wizard who speaks at both funerals and
weddings. All well and good among themselves, but perhaps little
more than osmosis – the finely sorted evidence of living
in our time and place.
The second, more reliable way – and surely the harder of
the two – is to take these seven books as possessing a whole
arc and message, just as a competent Bible scholar resists the
urge to quote out of context, or to read strictly within his or
her own canon, if such a thing be possible. (Please don’t
mix my metaphors: I’m not arguing that this makes Jesus out
of Harry, or even a Jesus, or even biblical – though he remains
a Christological figure, of which there have been thousands in
literature, and consistent with the moral formation the Bible intends.)
This style of comprehensive reading lets the story give way to
its underlying themes, where a tale as old as human history is
retold, and old tropes are given new life. When
we do this – when
we let go and open up and read holistically and with sympathy – it
turns out that Harry’s narrative is basically the story,
the one about walking the way of the cross for the achievement
of a greater good. And if we can’t find ourselves in at least
one little glimmer somewhere across this constellation—these
thousands of pages of characters and conflicts set on so great
a stage—then great woe betide us.
Our second option, it turns out, is the far more
liberating one anyway, because it lets story be story, and character
be character,
and plot arcs … well, you get the idea. It’s also much
more liberating than trying to back fit Harry into a preconceived
Christian framework: as Rowling draws it, his story is generally
round-peg/round-hole with that of Christian belief as I know and
practice it. C.S. Lewis saw the dangers of this retrofitting game
played out years ago in his own work when he warned his readers
that images, not allegories, dictated his content. The allegories
that could be found, he said, were simply the product of the incredibly
vital narrative in which he’d steeped himself. To read Narnia
in the reverse was “pure moonshine.”
This is key. In the artistic process, as in life,
who you are is who you are; or as the friar Richard Rohr says,
how you do anything
is how you do everything. Try writing five hundred or so pages
without letting out any of your own deeply held beliefs. You can’t;
you wouldn’t want to; you’d get sick and would have
propaganda staring back up at you.
So come it must, and when it does – at least in Deathly
Hallows – Rowling’s theology is a bit of a boiled-down
feast. For her, life is summed up well in three pieces of Scripture,
two of which she chooses to quote in one chapter and gloss in the
rest of the book; and the last of which simply hovers invisibly
over the entire Potter project.
The first two quotations appear on the headstones
of long-deceased but plot-essential persons: “Where your treasure is, there
will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:21) and “The last
enemy that shall be destroyed is death” (1 Corinthians 15:26)
The third, as I say, is an implication, hidden, as it were, in
plain sight: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a
man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).
We must know at some level that these pearls represent
choice moments in Rowling’s faith life, that indeed this is her
canon-within-the-canon, and nuggets to which she attaches the highest
signification. We know them to be so palpably true for her because
they are all over each of the seven books. Taken together, they
are a powerful pastiche of Christian theology from the quills of
Paul and John and Matthew: death has no dominion; self-sacrifice
is the highest good; give to the things that matter, because you
will become those things. Love, indeed, is stronger than death – and
we need to believe that if we’re going to practice it; and
the more we practice, so all the more will we believe.
We see these traits written on the living memories of the many
now dead: Sirius, Dobby, Moody, Tonks, Lupin, and on and on.
We see these traits in the countless throngs of students and teachers
and members of the Order of the Phoenix, locked and dying in grotesque
battle with Death Eaters at the siege of Hogwarts.
We see these traits in Albus Dumbledore, who, though his good
name begins to tarnish and crumble by the middle of Deathly Hallows,
plots his own demise by the hand of another in order to position
Harry to defeat Lord Voldemort and cleanse the world of a great
stain for which he is partly culpable.
We see these traits in James and Lily, Harry’s
parents, who step in front of killing curses without hesitation
in order
to protect their young son.
We see these traits in Ron and Hermione, who (with
minor equivocation) endure with their friend Harry to the end – not
because they promised to do so in a moment of sunny hope (and
they did), but
finally because being-in-relationship is the highest good they
can imagine.
We see these traits in Severus Snape, who, unbeknownst to us,
has been throwing himself on the mercy of a secret love for Lily
Potter even long after her death; who puts himself through the
worst imaginable existence for her sake; and who dutifully protects
Harry like a son until he can no longer breathe.
unless we are blind, we see these traits in Harry, stacking like
bricks from the innocence and wonder of
discovery in the first
book to the turn of the final page of the seventh. He gives and
gives and eventually gives it all – even, he thinks, his
own life, for the lives of others. He does so as a matter of conscious
choice, and in the one line of dialogue that her ghost is accorded
(p. 699 of the U.S. edition), his mother acknowledges as much.
Harry, then, is the master of death because he
and his animator both believe in the truth handed down from Paul
and Matthew and
John, that death is like a curtain or wispy pall, and no end in
itself; that charity precedes the self; that love in all its wild
manifestations is worth every risk. While Harry’s journey
does not explicitly bear the name of Jesus as the expelled and
resurrected one, still his life inheres in the marks of expulsion
and resurrection to a planet of new possibility, hope, and future.
Such is the essence of Harry and, battle done, the entire wizarding
©2007 Torey Lightcap

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